CodeMeta Workshop
Venue and logistics
- Portlant Paramount Hotel, Friday & Saturday
- Coffee at 8am, Lewis Room
- Sunday Force16 Workshop
- OHSU Collaborative Life Science Building, Rooms TBD
Background materials and links
- CodeMeta Web Site
- NIH Software Discovery report
- CodeMeta Github repo
- Software Metadata Crosswalk
- Guidelines for Persistently Identifying Software Using DataCite
- Consensus cross walk table
- JSON-LD draft schema
- Consensus on software metadata
- Outline of journal article
April 15
Portland Paramount Hotel, Lewis Room
- 8:00 am: Coffee
- 8:30 am: Welcome and introductions (Carl and Matt and Arfon and Yolanda)
- Plenary intro to group & goals (Carl)
- 9:30 am: Brainstorming: software metadata concepts, and associated use cases (Jones moderates)
- Post-its: use case and metadata concepts
- Whiteboard clustering and prioritization of use cases
- 10:30 am Break
- 11:00 am: Introduction to existing vocabularies
- Overview of existing crosswalk table (Matt)
- 5 minutes each: software metadata creation story and use cases
- Zenodo (Krzyz), Figshare (Mark), Software Ontology, Software Discovery Index, DataCite (Martin), R Packages (Carl)
-, Dublin Core
- 12:00 Lunch
- 1:30 pm Breakouts (3)
- Breakout goals and introduction (identify groups, moderator, and notetaker)
- Explain tools for collaborative work
- Google doc version of spreadsheet
- Google doc notes docuemnt
- Each group focuses on 2-3 schema mappings to the generic concepts (Self-select into following groups, groups can pick the third schema:)
- Group A: Zenodo, Software Ontology, …
- Group B: figshare, R Package Description, …
- Group C: DataCite, Software Discovery Index, …
- Goal: Review, revise, and extend crosswalk
- Groups identify:
- Problem areas in crosswalk, where mapping is controversial
- New additions to the crosswalk concepts
- Breakout goals and introduction (identify groups, moderator, and notetaker)
- 3:30 pm: Break
- 4:00 pm: Plenary
- Report backs
- Conflict merging/ consensus decisions
- 7:00 pm Group Dinner (Location TBA)
April 16
Portland Paramount Hotel, Lewis Room
8:30 Coffee
9:00: Plenary: JSON-LD: Intro to the schema (Arfon)
- Q&A, Review/feedback of schema approach
9:45: Use Case Breakouts (3)
- Introduce use case breakouts (Carl)
- Each group assigned 2-3 use cases
- For each use case:
- Review for completeness and adequacy to represent concepts in the use case
- Create one or more example records following the schema for various use cases
- Upload example documents to GitHub (via PR?)
12:00 Lunch
- 1:30 pm: Building a software metadata consensus (plenary) (Carl)
- 1:45 pm: Breakout into 3 sessions
- Consensus points: where do we have consensus?
- Use cases? Relative importance of use cases…
- Critical minimal metadata per use case
- 3:30 Break
- 4:00 Plenary
- Reports from each group (5 mins each)
- Journal Article: outline software metadata needs paper
- Wrapup and conclusion
April 17
Force16 Workshop: Open software, part 2: CodeMeta - OHSU Collaborative Life Science Building, Room
- Afternooon, 1:30 to 5:00 pm, with break
- Introductions (15 minutes)
- Overview presentation (15+15 questions)
- CodeMeta motivation
- Present the use cases
- Review the crosswalk
- schema
- Questions and discussion
- Breakouts:
- Crosswalk table
- Schema implementation