Wikidata provides internationalized set of properties for machine-readable linked data. (Surprisingly wikidata does not have a native JSON-LD format, distributing in plain json.)

Property Wikidata
codeRepository P1324
programmingLanguage P277
runtimePlatform P400
downloadUrl P4945
fileSize P3575
operatingSystem P306
softwareRequirements P1547
softwareVersion P348
author P50
citation P2860
contributor P767
dateCreated P571
dateModified P5017
datePublished P577
editor P98
fileFormat P2701
funder P859
keywords P921
license P275
producer P162
publisher P123
isPartOf P361
hasPart P527
sameAs P2888
url P856
givenName P735
familyName P734
email P968
issueTracker bug tracking system